05 Mar 2022, 20:05

BNP lacks leadership, now looks at foreign lords: Bahauddin

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PIROJPUR, March 5, 2022 (BSS) - Awami League (AL) joint general secretary Agriculturist AFM Bahauddin Nasim today said the BNP, being isolated from people and leaderless, is now looking at foreign lords to assume power.

“BNP is now facing lack of leadership and people have moved away from them . . .  Now BNP is looking at the foreign lords,” he told an extended meeting of district unit of AL at Shilpakala Academy Auditorium here this morning.

Bahauddin added: “The people of Bangladesh will no longer support them (BNP) as they cannot trust them because of their activities.”

He said BNP usually participates in polls but they always boycott or withdraw their candidacy one day before the election or on the polls day, fearing their defeat.

AL Organizing Secretary Advocate Afzal Hossain, International Affairs Secretary Dr Shammi Ahmed, Central Committee members Anisur Rahman and Md Golam Rabbani Chinu spoke there. District AL President AKMA Awal presided over the meeting while general secretary MA Hakim Hawlader conducted it. 

Referring to BNP’s waging of movement to unseat the incumbent government, the joint general secretary said the BNP has been trying to dislodge the government even through daily movement for last 13 years but there is no movement at all.

“BNP’s acting chairman Tareq Rahman, a fugitive convict, formed a committee from London virtually with the terrorists while his party chairperson is also a convict. So, they are now dreaming of coming to power with the help of foreign lords,” he mentioned.
Nasim told the meeting that BNP wanted to foil the prevailing  communal peace by creating unrest.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is trying to save the 17 crore people from the evil forces through strengthening the Awami League.

The AL leader urged the party leaders and workers to shun the personal feud and make the party stronger as he believes; “If the Awami League becomes strong, the country’s people will be stronger.”

 Speaking on the occasion, Bahauddin Nasim categorically said, "We will never allow the BNP-Jamaat to make Bangladesh a failed state any way." 

As the people have no support to the BNP’s conspiracy, under the uncompromising and visionary leadership of Sheikh Hasina, he called  upon all patriotic people to unite for building ‘Sonar Bangla’ dreamt by the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman