09 Dec 2023, 15:35

People become happy for electricity 

By Syed Shukur Ali Shuvo

DHAKA, Dec 09, 2023 (BSS) - Bringing every house under electricity coverage is a great achievement of the government as it has ensured balanced development across the country.
“Sincere and relentless efforts by the government led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for the last 15 years every house was brought under electricity coverage,” State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid told BSS here today.

He said now the government’s main target is to ensure quality, uninterrupted and reliable electricity to people, adding, “The country has achieved an unprecedented success in the power and energy sector.

“Electricity generation at this moment is 5 times higher compared to 2009. 100 percent people are now getting electricity, which was only 47 percent before 2009. The country got rid of the load-shedding,” Nasrul Hamid said.

He said Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's worthy daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been forwarded the country a lot especially in the power and energy sector.

Nasrul Hamid said a sustainable and realistic plan is must to ensure energy security in the country.

According to the ministry's information, 100 percent people are now enjoying electricity, which was only 47 percent before 2009. The government installed 152 power plants, which was only 27 before 2009 and the power generation capacity stood at 28,562 MW including the captive and renewable and power connections were increased to 4.54 crore from 1.08 crore.

Besides, Rampal power plant came into operation recently, while constructions of Matarbari and Rooppur Nuclear power plants are going on in full swing for ensuring uninterrupted electricity in the country.

The state minister said the government has a target to generate 60,000-MW electricity by 2041, as the government materialized its earlier vision-2021 by increasing generation capacity to 25,514 MW from 24,000 MW.

Talking to BSS, Director General of Power Cell Engineer Mohammad Hossain said that in the context of materialization of the prime minister's pledge to ensure uninterrupted electricity supply in the country, the power division has been working relentlessly in this regard.

“Dwellers are hardly facing any disruption of power supply and it was possible due to dynamic and visionary leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina,” he said.

An electricity consumer from Mirpur area Abdul Kuddus said he experienced severe load shedding before 2009 and now he is getting electricity round the clock.

He said the present government made tremendous success in power sector because of the farsighted and capable leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

"Multilateral decisions must be taken immediately to ensure energy security in the country, as the size of energy is increasing day by day," he said while addressing a view exchange meeting with his ministry officials at the secretariat here.

The government is also importing 1,160 MW power from neighbouring country. 

Currently, per capita electricity generation reached 602 kWh, while power connections reached to 4.54 crore, consumers, 6.43 lakh kilometers distribution line and 14,934 circuit kilometers transmission line.

According to the Power System Master Plan (PSMP) 2016, Bangladesh has an aspiration to become a high-income country by 2041 with increasing the country's power generation capacity to 60,000 MW.

"The government is very much optimistic to bring 1200 MW power from Matarbari Coal Fired Power Plant by 2024 and another 1200 MW in phases," Nasrul Hamid added.

He said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has inaugurated first unit having generation capacity of 600 MW of Matarbari power plant.

"In the context of Bangladesh, solar power is more promising than other renewable energy sources. But expansion of solar power system needs more land, so we are looking for innovative solutions. We are moving towards rooftop solar and floating solar technology," he said.

Nasrul said, "We want to increase the share of power generation from renewable sources to 40 percent by 2050. Therefore, the power-related master plan is being updated."

With sincere and relentless efforts of the government the per capita electricity generation reached 602 kWh, which was only 220 kWh in 2009, he said, adding that the system losses came down to only 7.65 percent from 14.33 percent.

“We cannot forget about the days of frequent power outages but those days are no more. Today every household has electricity and people are getting the maximum benefit from electricity. This improved service of electricity is changing people's lives and as a result the wheels of the economy are moving faster. 

The dreams of the people have been fulfilled by the efficient leadership of Sheikh Hasina. The electricity connection has reached the isolated villages scattered in different parts of the country.

The government has already materialised a dream of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by reaching electricity to every house.