DHAKA, Jan 26, 2023 (BSS) - Ahead of the Amar Ekushe Book Fair 2023, Poet
Abdullah Al Hadi's new poetry book "Purbo Prithibir Alo" - Eastern Earth's
Light has been published.
Purbo Prithibir Alo in Its flap says "there are no excuses in these poems.
The words of the poet Al Hadi have been collected from the heart, where the
words of the poem are very soft and open. The care of the dead is a barrier
to external service, which is organized in the human mind, and only the dead
are a major component of the future. The poet Al Hadi felt that it was
necessary to meet himself."
A press release sent today said Purbo Prithibir Alo has been dedicated to
Shaheed child Sheikh Russel, youngest son of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, killed on 15th August 1975. 'Purbo Prithibir Alo' will
be available at Ekushey Book Fair -2023 and on Rokomari. Com
Poet Al Hadi previously published ten poetry books- Srabon Onubhuti-1 (2013),
Srabon Onubhuti-2 (2014), Srabon Onubhuti-3 (2015), Protibeshi Somoy (2015),
Ditio Somoy (2016), Otirikto Somoy (2018), Bastuto Somoy (2019), Meghe
Chorano Somoy (2020), Smoyer Dutabas (2021), Matir Nadi (2022), and one drama
Kajiyar Prostuti (2017). And an inquiry book Jiber Jarata (2020).