04 Apr 2022, 17:53

Putin hails Vucic win in Serbia, hopes for 'strategic partnership'

MOSCOW, April 4, 2022 (BSS/AFP) - Russian President Vladimir Putin on 
Monday congratulated Serbia's leader Aleksandar Vucic on his re-election 
victory and said he hoped to build on their "strategic partnership", the 
Kremlin said.

"I expect that your work as head of state will continue to contribute to the 
strengthening of the strategic partnership that exists between our 
countries," Putin said in his telegram to Vucic, according to the Kremlin 

"This undoubtedly meets the interests of the fraternal peoples of Russia and 

The Kremlin praised the Serbian leader's "convincing" victory, adding that 
Putin hailed his "independent" foreign policies.

The 69-year-old Russian leader has been increasingly isolated internationally 
after he sent troops to pro-Western Ukraine on February 24.

Vucic has been one of his rare allies in Europe.

He has carefully managed Serbia's response to Russia's military campaign in 
Ukraine by officially condemning Russia at the United Nations but stopping 
short of sanctioning Moscow at home, where many Serbs hold a favourable view 
of the Kremlin. 

Vucic claimed a landslide victory in general elections Sunday, paving the way 
for another term as president and extending his decade-long rule in the 
Balkan nation.