09 Oct 2023, 17:54

Bangladesh unfazed by Dharamsala outfield

DHAKA, Oct 9, 2023 (BSS)- Bangladesh were not fazed by the outfield of the

Dharamasala, which posed a danger to be injured.

Afghanistan's Mujeeb-Ur-Rahman got almost injured when he attempted a dive at
deep backward square leg in a game against Bangladesh. He ended up jamming
his knee into the hard ground and fell awkwardly as some of the mud kicked up
on impact because the outfield was patchy and devoid of enough grass cover.

Bangladesh spin coach Rangana Herath, however, said still they won't restrict
players from diving during their game against England tomorrow as any kind of
restriction may curb players' 100 percent effort.

"We are not going to restrict anything because if you ask someone to restrict
something, in that case they don't give their 100 percent. In that case, I'm
sure that they did well that previous game, so we are asking give their best
even in the outfield as well," Herath said.
India's third Test against Australia was moved from Dharamsala to Indore at
short notice earlier this year following concerns about the condition of the
outfield - which the BCCI blamed the "harsh winter conditions in the region".

Herath believes World Cup matches are being held here because the venue meets
International standard.

"I think ICC have done a lot of hard work on that. So, in that case, I think
they think that because of the standard that they have maintained, they have
given that authority to play one day international. So, in that case, I'm
happy with it," he added.

Buttler, however, said the standard of the outfield is poor and there is
injury concern but he refused to use this an excuse.

"It's poor in my own opinion. I think any time you're sort of talking about
being careful diving or sort of being careful when you're fielding, it sort
of goes against everything you want to be as a team. You know you want to
dive through our houses to save a run. So, that's obviously not ideal, the
way the surface is, the outfield. But we won't use it as an excuse, we'll
adapt to it," Buttler said.

"Injuries can happen at any time, can't they, on any surface, but I think
it's definitely one where you're going to have to be a little bit careful,
which isn't what you want to be doing playing for your country. You want to
put your body on the line and be trying to save every single run or have
confidence in the field. So, it's not as good as it could be or should be,
but it's going to be the same for both teams, and the wicket looks fantastic.
So, as I said we're hungry to get out there and play well, so we won't be
using it as an excuse, we just have to be a bit smart, I think."