28 Nov 2023, 16:32
Update : 28 Nov 2023, 18:25

Drug peddler held with 3.5 KGs heroin in C'nawabganj

CHAPAINAWABGANJ, Nov 28, 2023 (BSS): Members of the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) has arrested an alleged drug peddler with 3.5 kilograms (KGs) of heroin from Chapainawabganj sadar upazila here this morning.

The arrested person was identified as Md. Towfiqul alias Towfiq, 40 of Char Hakimpur Pashchimpara under Chapainawabganj sadar upazila.

RAB sources said, acting on a detective information, an operation team of RAB-5 from Chapainawabganj camp conducted a raid at the house of Towfiqul at around 4-30 am and arrested him but one of his accomplices managed to fled away.

As per his confession RAB seized the heroin digging the ground floor of his house.

Later, the elite force handed him over to the police of Chapainawabganj sadar thana after filing a case, the sources added.