29 Jan 2025, 18:52

July Uprising: Bullet-injured Tanvir dreams of discrimination-free Bangladesh

Towhid Islam Tanvir. Photo : BSS

CHATTOGRAM, Jan 29, 2025 (BSS) – The supreme sacrifices of 
countless martyrs will go in vain if we cannot establish a discrimination-
free, humane and democratic Bangladesh,” bullet injured Tanvir said as 
he shared his feelings with BSS lying on a  hospital bed.

Towhid Islam Tanvir, a student of International Relations department of 
Chattogram University received bullet injuries on August 3, 2024 when 
police side by side with Jubo League and Chattra League armed cadres 
fired on a rally of Anti-Discrimination Student Movement in Sholoshahar 
Gate No.2 crossing area in the city.    

Tanvir is fourth among five brothers and sisters and hailed from Ramu 
Upazila under Cox’s bazar district. His father Surat Alam is a small 
businessman and has been struggling to meet daily family needs after 
providing educational expenses of Tanvir with his insufficient income.

Tanvir is now undergoing treatment at Chattogram Medical College 
Hospital as doctor’s advised him to have long-term treatment for full 
“I have no pain, even though my son was injured seriously in firing 
during student’s movement, but I am happy as the countrymen achieved 
a remarkable victory at the suffering and sacrifices of our sons like 
Tanvir,” simple-looking Surat Alam expresses his reaction pointing out to 
fall of autocratic regime of Sheikh Hasina.
Tanvir was narrating his sad memories of the day while lying in a 
hospital bed and said the then government was depriving the talented 
students from their legitimate right to get government job as per their 
merit. Instead of giving a reasonable solution, the ousted government 
resorted to violence and killed innocent students and people.
Students began their peaceful movement protesting the government’s 
arrogant stance against the movement. Like many other students, I had 
also joined the movement from July 1 seeing that the demands were 
justified and protect interest of all students.  
As the movement got momentum with the participation of students from 
public and private universities along with people from all strata, students 
of CU and other educational institutions started holding peaceful rallies 
and gatherings at different spots in the port city.  
He said, "We were in regular contact with the coordinators of Dhaka and 
we were also holding simultaneous programs in our university. Students 
and parents of various schools and colleges of Chattogram region and 
common people also joined the movement. Naturally, we were more 
motivated and spirited having participation of general masses with our 
Tanvir said when Bangla Blockade program was announced from the 
center, hundreds of CU students on broad shuttle trains reached 
Sholoshahar rail station in the city on July 3, 2024 noon.

“We brought out a big procession from the station and as 
we reached near Sholoshar Gate 2 crossing, police along 
with armed goons started firing and lobbed tear shells 
on us,” Tanvir said while describing the situation 
shortly before he was shot.
“At one stage, scores of rubber bullets hit my legs and other parts of the 
body, leaving me in a pool of blood. Some of my colleagues rushed me 
to the hospital,” a pall of gloom descended over his face as Tanvir was 
describing a critical moment of his life.
“I was very delighted hearing the news of fall of the 
fascist ruler Sheikh Hasina within two days of my 
injury, despite being in great pain and suffering in the 
hospital bed,” he said.
Tanvir expressed his happiness and pride as a globally acclaimed 
personality like Prof. Muhammad Yunus agreed to assume responsibility 
of Interim Government in such a critical time of the nation.
“My ardent appeal to the government is to stand beside the family of 
Martyrs and ensure proper treatment of the injured persons, if needed, 
send the critically injured abroad before their health condition 
deteriorates due to lack of proper medical facilities,” Tanvir said.
Tanvir also called upon the interim government to take necessary steps 
as soon as possible to fulfill the dream of countrymen particularly the 
students and youths, who made supreme sacrifices and suffered 
indescribable oppression and intimidation during last 16 years of 
barbaric rule of Sheikh Hasina.

However, he expressed satisfaction over the arrangements for 
ensuring proper treatment for his quick recovery.

Meanwhile, Interim Government's Religion Adviser Prof. AFM Khalid 
Hossain and Liberation War Adviser Faruk-e-Azam Bir Prateek, two 
stalwarts of anti-discrimination student movement Sarjis Alam and 
Hasnat Abdullah visited Chattogram Medical College Hospital to see him 
and inquire about his health condition.

Numerous leaders and activists of different political parties, teachers, 
parents and conscious people of the society have visited him to show 
their sympathy and inquired about his treatment.